
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Heart to Heart

So we finally had our first appointment with Women's Birth and Wellness Center! We met midwife Kate and absolutely loved her! She is one out of seven midwives so its a slim chance she'll be the one on call for Sprout's birth but hopefully we love all the midwives! While we were there we went through their screening process (& passed!) and heard baby Sprout's heartbeat again. This time it is much stronger and slower and sounds human! As Kate found the heartbeat she took a quick listen and said, "I think that's a boy." Now no one know for sure of course but all the signs have been pointing towards a male! Slow heart rate, very active, and I'm carrying low. Soon we will know!!!

Sprout's movement has been more and more noticeable lately. He/She seems to be a fan of somersaults and kicks! I first felt him on a Friday morning, August 26th (15 weeks). I was laying in bed stretching and when I released my legs from the fetal position I felt a strange flutter and movement! It felt as if he was slipping into a different spot. I let Kamie know that he was super excited for her visit since she was driving up to NC that day. :)
After the first time, I didn't feel him move for a couple weeks. But sure enough on 9/11/11 when we were at Aunt KC's house still in bed around 3 a.m., I felt kicks or punches over and over and the same spot! Then later that morning it felt as if he was flipping around! Ever since he's been more and more active. I feel him the most when I'm sitting in class or laying in bed. Precious!!!

Nursery as of 9/24/11

Mema, Mummi, & Ukki have all pitched in to supply furniture for the nursery!!! We absolutely LOVE it all! I spend a lot of time in that glider day dreaming about baby Sprout and life after the birth. We're so excited to add to our little family!

9/30/11 is our 1st ultrasound! Do you think it's a boy or girl?! Comment below!
Team Link or Team Senja